Monday, July 22, 2024

All the doors

This is not the news I wanted to post but here goes.  Remember the whole foot in the door thing?  Well, it got shoved out and that door got closed.  Two doors closed.  Sigh.  I am trying not to let my anxiety get the best of me right now as we haven't exhausted all of the doors.  Some of the doors are scary though, and I am not good at this.  Some involve having family members being involved and y'all, I love my damn family so much and I don't want to burden them.  It's hard because they want to help, but I feel like these doors need to be ours alone.  Again, I will keep you posted.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers please for whatever is to happen.

I did three runs, 2 work outs, and some walks thrown in to wear out Ollipop!  I am just trying to do some sort of activity at least 5 days a week and call it good.  I will admit, I did like having two strength workouts back in the mix this week, but next week that just won't happen thanks to travel.   

This is random and I don't know if you do this, BUT does anyone else love their running shoes so much that they wear them all of the time?  Right now, I am at such low mileage that I don't figure it will break my shoes down that much.  If I wear my broken-down running shoes as my everyday shoe, they are too low stack height compared to my running shoe and I have foot, knee, and calf pain when I run.  If I get new running shoes there is such a big difference between my everyday shoe and my new running shoes that when I run, my body notices immediately.  Consequently, I've just been wearing my running shoes for everything to keep my body happy.  I know it's bad but you do what you have to do.  I have been looking for my next shoe but am having trouble finding a shoe that doesn't cost 180 bucks now (WHAT IS GOING ON WITH RUNNING SHOES???) that has everything I want including neutral, 6mm stack height, and a wide toe box.  Can I just order exactly what I need and have someone make it for me?  If I find the stack height i want, I lose the toe box width.  I swear 10mm in my Triumphs feels like wearing high heels lately, but that gets me the toe box width unless I go down to a 4mm or a 0mm which my body hates.  Sigh.  It's a never ending story.

We did have a fun but busy weekend.   On Friday night we went to see the new Twister movie and loved it.  We saw it at the IMAX theater and while it was loud and intense, it was very good.  I still will always love the original as one of my most favorite movies of all times but the special effects in this one were pretty amazing.  I do love the story line of the new one and can see them doing more sequels now.  

Saturday night we had a night race.   Night races typically aren't great things, but this one was just like the last one in terms of fun and no drama, and I am not mad about that at all.  I hope and pray our club has turned over a new leaf.  I'm not going to hold my breath completely, but I will admit, it's nice to end the night with a big smile on my face versus tears and puking (I'm not even joking, read some of my old blogs about night races).  Andrew did amazing again with a 2nd place finish in Heavy Honda coming back from being beat speed wise, but NEVER giving up, and that is what it is all about.  He is a very patient racer that is playing out to be a good thing in longer races.   To see him not give up and be defeated because we failed with set up is pretty cool.  He and the other car got lapped by the first-place car, but he kept battling and while he didn't get his lap back, he did pass the other lapped car.  He finished heavy 160 in a 3rd place battle to the very end with one of his fastest times ever in that class and car.  To see him push it when we do give him good set ups is super cool.  HIs passing timing is getting so much better and more fluid and I am loving the confidence we are seeing right now.  

I am truly loving this season and seeing the bravery and the skill that we knew was there all along.  So very, very proud of him and excited to see him continue to grow in driving and excited to see what the future holds.  

Have a great week y'all!  It's going to be a super busy one for me trying to cram in all of the experiments before we head out to MN for some All American Clash racing.  

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