Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Who turned up the heat?

Trying to stay cool and hydrated.  We are in the throes of summer here in Kansas after a brief respite of cooler temps and NO humidity.  It surely was nice while it lasted.  Do you do this?   I think wow, we've never had this happen before, this crazy weather, and then I go to my Facebook memories and here is me saying, wow, this cooler weather in the middle of July is so awesome!  Anyone, anyone?

I only got one work out class this week and two runs.  Thursday morning, I woke up with a splitting headache that led into puking.  I had to get it together, keep some Advil down, and get to work so I could hold onto my PTO for as long as possible.  I still was feeling pretty out of it by the time class time rolled around so I opted to hang out on the couch and not push myself to work out.

I will be honest; I have been taking Ollie running with me a little more than I normally would for a dog her age.  She is very tiny and fined boned, and we do lots of walking, so I am not concerned we are over doing it.  Right now, I am lucky to get 3 miles of my 4:1 with the heat and she seems fine with that.  I will continue to monitor her for soreness and any issues that might arise. I have consulted with my vet and he agrees, since most of my runs are on mostly gravel that this shouldn't hurt her at all.  She is go go go.  I thought Stella had a lot of energy and she said hey stella hold my beer.  She wants to go when it's cold, when it's hot, when I am 100 percent tired and not wanting to run or walk, pretty much every day all day.    She's smart with her body, will stop if she needs to cool down and will drink water if offered, no questions asked.  I need to find some sort of reflective coat or vest to try and help her stay a little cooler.  She amazes me with how smart she is and how much energy she has.   We HAVE to find a way to get her into dog sports!  Can someone put extra hours into the day please?

I will end on the best part of my week.  Every week we try our best to put the best cars and set up out there for Andrew.  All we ask is he drives it to his best ability and tries as hard as he possibly can.   Not only did he try his hardest, but he also made a two-car pass that was AMAZING!  

He was second in both races passing one of his friends and racing clean all weekend.  We had so much fun with such a great atmosphere at the track this weekend.  Walking from trailer to trailer, hanging out post-race, and just seeing everyone smile and be happy was so amazing.  All because one family left.  I'm going to enjoy this for as long as I can.  

Have a great week y'all!

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