Monday, October 23, 2023

Covid week 2023 edition

Being stuck in a room all day and night gives you way too much time to reflect.  Sometimes I get stuck in rumination and I can't seem to switch back to reflection.  I am working on this in therapy, but I have a long way to go.  Life can be soo good till it isn't.  I am horrible about jumping to worse case scenario. It's my super power really.  Let's take this week day by day like I use to when I was training for big races because honestly I need to write every day so I don't lose my ever loving mind. Enjoy some random memes because there probably won't be a ton of photos taken this week.

Monday:  Day 4 of this crap if you don't have a Day 0 like the current Covid protocol likes to have.  Why not just call it Day 1 and make quarantine 11 days instead of 10?  Why do we waffle on when the start of this mess actually starts?  I was sick on Friday night, bam, day 0 should be deemed that day if that is the system we are using right?  I digress.  After several days of fever and not being able to breath through my nose, my hubby was able to get me some real deal turn in your driver's license to prove you aren't making meth sudafed that knocked this mess slowly out.  Still running fever however, still coughing.  After multiple nights of little to no sleep, I had hoped for something, anything.  I put vicks on my feet (home remedy?  Wives tale?) and socks.  I took the musinex which seemed to be keeping the cough a little under control.  I took Advil since *trigger warning if you are a male reading this blog* my monthly friend came early and was being a vicious bitch.  Can you say three pairs of period panties super absorbent in ONE FREAKING DAY?  I can.  It's like my body is saying, hold my beer dear, let's pour more onto this fire.  By sleepy time I actually could breath out of my nose without squeaking and snorting, but damn it,  I was WIDE AWAKE!  Apparently a side effect of Sudafed is sleeplessness.  WHY!  I doubled down on my CBD and finally, after a few hours of laying there praying for sleep and talking to friends on Marco Polo, drifted off.  I think I slept till around 4 am when I started coughing, but was able to still get a little bit more until I had to get up and get kiddo ready for school.

Tuesday:  Woke up feeling a little refreshed.  It's amazing what continuous sleep can do for you.  I re read all of my old blogs about having this the first go around and it looked like I was down for the count for 3 days total and then a week or so to totally get over it all.  This is about in line with how I am feeling now.  Still not great, but much improved.  Got my kid's Covid test going, got his backpack ready, and got him dropped off at weights.  Still negative on his Covid test, praise the LORD!

Wednesday: Woke up feeling like a truck had hit me.  Let me back up.  Previously Mucinex was my go to for the cough and sudafed for the head cold.  The sudafed still is working and keeping my head unclogged, but the other just quit working.  It's hard to sleep when you are coughing your head off all night long.  Again, I know it's an old wives tale, but vicks on the feet did nothing.  I know I got some sleep here and there, but not much.  I certainly had plenty of things to do to keep myself awake like help my electricians get billing done.  I swear I am NEVER going to be able to walk away from Coleman Electric, even if I get 10 jobs on top of the main job I have.   

Thursday:  Did not want to wake up LOL.  I was sleeping so good and so hard that I think I could have slept all day.  Decided to see if going Sudafed free might be a good thing.  I was tired of everything tasting horrible and being hungry, but not being able to eat.  I figured it was related to Sudafed but not totally sure.  It was.  I was able to enjoy food again.  

Friday: Back to work day!  I decided to take meds to get through the day without snot and coughing.  There were only 3 of us left at work and boy did we have a ton to do.  I am glad I didn't decide to stay home one more day.  We got lots cleaned, washed, put up, and taken care of.  I was glad to be back in my lab and back into the groove for next week's experiments, even if I was thoroughly exhausted at the end of the day.

Saturday: Last home football game for the JR Raiders.  I tested just for fun and i was negative as well as Andrew.   Our stadium is huge so I knew tony and I could sit away from others and be mask free.  Previously, we had beat this team pretty handily, but I had heard they were much improved this year which means no playing time for my kiddo.  As I predicted, the game was close and he ended his home games as a raider with no playing time.  Sigh.  He was very sad about it but again, the best I could do was remind him that he had worked hard all year and that is what is is about.  My heart breaks for him, this has been a very tough year for him, with lots of realization about where he was athletically.  In previous years, he didn't care as much but this year he wants to play, he wants to be in.  

Sunday: I thought I was good to go and spent a night out having fun with friends at Dueling Pianos.  Woke up feeling very horrible, puking my guts up all day and not being able to move.  I spent a whole day on the couch feeling the worst I have felt in years.  At least there was football on tv all day.  Watched several really good games.

And there you go, for the record how Covid round 2 went for me.  We are both battling extreme fatigue and Tony's entire shop now has Covid which will hurt our pocket book.  

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