Sunday, May 19, 2024

Happy Mother's day!

This week wasn't the best for working out, but my mom was here and I don't care LOL!  I got one gym work out and three runs and that was good enough.  Here is what happened with our week.  

Andrew had his first and only middle school dance.  While I thought it would be good for him to go, I kind of wish I hadn't have pushed him.  I asked if I could chaperone and he was on board for that.  Since mom was coming to visit, she came with and helped as well.  We were the gate bitches as in we kept kids from leaving and coming back in or kept them from leaving mainly until their parents arrived to pick them up.  It's hard watching your awkward kid try and figure out where he fits in.  There were very distinctive groups and he floated between each, but just stayed on the peripheral of each of them.  He did try and get in with the "sports boys" but they really didn't welcome him in and he just floated on the edges.  There was no dancing with girls, which I totally expected there not to be.  Overall, I think he had a little bit of fun, but I don't think I will be able to get him to go to another one, as he just never settled with any friend group and just looked completely uncomfortable and out of place.  Ah the joys of middle school boys.   

Mom and I worked out asses off for Mother's Day weekend.  We don't have a large yard, but I get so overwhelmed dealing with it.  She knows this so when I told her I wanted to do something with both our side flower bed and both of the front beds, she jumped into action and helped me figure out what to do.  We also worked on the rose bushes, cutting them back and trying to figure out why they keep dying.  We edged the side bed with some rocks from Tony's collection of landscaping stuff he got to keep from a job years and years ago (that lives in my backyard and takes up space and drives me nuts, but that's a different blog).  She helped me cut back some scrub tress that have grown up around our old garage on the back of our property.  We hauled all of that to the dump and went and bought mulch and planted flowers and mulched for two days straight.  I am so glad I have a mom that understands my love language is service and likes to participate in helping me with things that overwhelm me.  It was the perfect day in my mind because the yard and the flowers look so nice and add so much curb appeal to our house.  Now if I can just get the porch finished and looking good and then get our deck back clean, I will be a very happy camper.  

Happy Mother's day to all of the moms out there!  I got the best when God gave me to my mommy!  Now I just need to figure out a way to kidnap her and keep her in Kansas for good.  Have a great week y'all.  

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