Monday, May 20, 2024

Race weekend and Band, oh my!

 Repeat of last week.  No work outs thanks to band and mom being here and only 2 runs.  Again, my life is very full, and I love it that way.  Running will always be there for me and when I have more time, I will be back.  Here are some snippets from our week!

First up, last band concert.  They played their competition pieces plus their two fun pieces where they got to dance.  SO much fun!  They all sounded so amazing for 6th graders.  Again, I was blown away!

We celebrated with pizza and family time down in Manhattan.  I am so excited that he is going to keep going with band since so many are dropping out.  I get it, there are so many fun things they can do in 7th grade and there have to be choices made.   Andrew is going with art and band and I love that he is exploring his creative side.

We had our first taste of heat this week.  Bleh. I am not ready for this at all.  

Ended the week at Aggieville Brewing on the patio with some of my coworkers.  I am truly blessed to have some awesome coworkers right now and we have great discussions.  You know it's a great work environment when you work all day together and then meet for more time together LOL!  We were just going to have dinner and a drink or two and ended up staying till late just talking.

And we ended the weekend with a great performance at the track from the ginger racer. I don't know who kidnapped my kid and brought a new version, but thanks!  We all knew this kid existed and to see him do what we all knew he could do is SO exciting!  He got two second place finishes to his buddy who races on the national level mostly, which means he is super good and just the right amount of aggressive.  The fact that he held his own and kept right on his bumper and PASSED him several times is amazing.  Andrew of last year would not have done that.  Super-duper proud of him and kind of fun to see him be mad that he lost.  He's never cared about losing, so to see this side of him is new and exciting.  Our next race is in June with three races in June alone, and I can't wait to see what he can do!  We went from praying for him to just stay on the lead lap to praying for him to time his passes right so he can win.  So funny how that happened!

Have a great week y'all!  I am looking forward to my schedule going back to normal, little red only having 2 more days of school before summer break starts, and another weekend of fun!

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