Sunday, May 5, 2024

Nader season


I am trying hard to be a strong woman.  I love this meme and need to print it out and keep it by my bed and at work.  There is so much crap going on right now that I wish would stop, and I honestly wish I could send this to others.  Sadly, I don't think they want to change.  I think they like the role of victim.  It makes me super sad for them because victim is a horrible place to be, trust me, I know.  Again, I know I have said it several times, but my therapist has helped me break out of the drama triangle and I wish others could find the help I have found because it has made a HUGE difference in my mental health.

Okay on to more fun things or should I say interesting things!   Here are some pictures from our week.  

We had our first really close call with a tornado.  This spun down about 14 miles north of here and took out part of a little Kansas town that is the county seat for Pott county.  My prayers are with those who lost everything, had damage, were injured, or to the family that lost a loved one.  This was a small but might tornado that we watched on the live feed of Reed Timmer as it formed.  It was the craziest thing I have ever seen and I encourage you to watch the videos he got on his Facebook page.    While this tornado was ripping Westy apart, we had sunny skies. A coworker took the above photo from our parking lot.  That is how close it was!  

We also had solo and ensemble festival at the high school for middle schools in the area.  This brought back so many memories of when I was i band, and while Andrew didn't do a solo or an ensemble, his 6th grade band did perform and got graded.  I so loved that they got instant feedback from their judge on what they can work on in the future with both pieces.   I loved both pieces so much that I had to find the sheet music as soon as I got home, so I could play the trumpet part myself. I am so excited he is continuing on with his band journey next year when he starts 7th grade!

We were supposed to have football camp at KSU and then head to Fairbury NE to watch racing.  The races got canceled thanks to the 2 inches of rain we received, and Andrew was just not feeling great post-concert.  We made a family decision to let him hang out and rest and we headed over to our local winery for a sip and shop complete with a taco truck and jazz music.  It ended up being a nice relaxing day with my favorite wine and good food and friends.  

I did get a longish run in this week of 7 miles with two other three mile runs and two work outs.  I am calling this week a win.  

I also ended the week on house cleaning and margs.  I am not usually a marg drinker, but this one was amazing.  Strawberry and lime and deliciousness.  Happy Cinco De Mayo!   

Have a great week y'all!

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