Sunday, November 9, 2014


Been a few challenges here lately.  Little red is working on his 5th day of being sick.  He has been fever free all day so let's hope that tonight is as well so he can go to daycare tomorrow.  He still has a cough that gets worse when he runs too much and his nose is a fountain but no fevers.
The good and bad news is that he kind of found a present we got him last year that we had decided was too complex for his age.  We put it together and at first it was wonderful.  It was remote control so he could just sit or stand and watch the train go by.  Then he really wanted to play with it tear it up,  and he couldn't do that with it on the dining room table.  He kept giving  me a heart attack by standing on the bench to the table and bashing his head into the edge of the table trying to get stuff that he had dropped under the table.  
This was the solution, move it up to his room and put it on the floor.  Of course it is in a thousand pieces now thanks to a little godzilla action, but he is happy and i don't have to worry about stitches.  

The other challenge is that I have been released to start running.  My PT guy and I decided 2 quarter mile sections in my 3-4 mile walks I do.  I have completed three of these, doing one walk/run with just one quarter mile and the other two with two quarter mile runs.  My leg feels off.  Not sore, kind of tight and odd.  I am not sore the day after but I am really, really being careful.  I am doing EVERY PT exercise I am prescribed.  I am being very mindful of keeping my left leg turned in as much as I can.  I am warming up and cooling down and wearing my compression sleeve and icing after every run.  I am scared that i am going to re injure myself and I don't want to miss even more time out.  At some point the mileage is going to climb and i am ready but scared.
The scenery has been so beautiful and weather has been gorgeous.  I am going to dread next week with the highs in the 30s and lows in the 20s.  Just not ready for winter yet!!!!
So a lot of my "beginner runner" problems are back.  My stomach is having to re adjust to running again. Oh joy.  My stomach had really just gotten use to me running after like 2 years.  Now back to square one.  I also have been surprisingly winded for just running a quarter of a mile.  Today was understandable as I was pushing the stroller but the other day, I was alone and there was no wind.  I thought I would retain some fitness through water jogging and biking intervals but maybe not?
Still glad to be back on the road, even if I have some GI issues and feel out of shape.  I have missed it so much and I pretty much break out into a smile every time I get to get that quarter mile in.  
So does stella:)  We both say bring on the challenge.  We are ready!



  1. My son is a train lover too! We have a track set up all the time in our entry way because it's a wood floor and big enough for the track. I joke that it's our alarm system. :)
    Coming back from an injury is quite a process. You're starting over from the beginning but it will make you stronger! Hang in there!

  2. Thanks Angie! Glad I have someone in Kansas cheering me on!
