Friday, December 18, 2015

2015 year in review

WOW!  That about sums up 2015 for me.  My first marathon, my first 10 mile technical trail run, and my second year doing the Heartland series.  I have PRs in all distances and some PB on some courses I do every year.  I have been blessed to not have any running injuries thanks to a very awesome running coach that has tuned my running down to 4 days a week and tuned my strength training up to 2 days a week (from 0 days a week I might add).  I have noticed several bloggers following a similar format so this will be much like that.

Favorite race or race experience of the year :  This is tough.  Wicked was one of my favorites because it was literally a block from my house start and finish wise.  Chicago was pretty awesome too because well, my first marathon.  I would have to say though, my most favorite of all the races was hands down the 10 mile trail run I did!  I have never been a trail runner and I am still smiling from this one.  Not only was it so much fun running through mud, rocks, streams, and up earthen damns, but i got to do every bit of it with my favorite running partner!  Plus look at these pictures!!!! They were free, downloadable and AWESOME!

Best Run: Hands down my 20 miler.  It gave me the confidence I needed that this marathon was going to be a success and that i had my nutrition and hydration down to a science. Plus I saw a rainbow:)
Best New Piece of Gear:  My new head lamp.  I saw the review for the mack daddy head lamp in runner's world but I couldn't afford to drop that much on a headlamp.  
Meet it's little and slightly cheaper sister, the Nathan Nebula Fire.  She has so many cool features that I am still learning how to use her.  My favorite feature other than the insane amount of  light she gives and the fact that she is rechargeable?  She blinks when oncoming cars head lights hit her sensor.  BONUS!  I still have idiots not paying attention and almost hitting me, usually because they are texting and driving, but I think this has cut down on the almosts a little more than normal.  I am glad that i plunked down a little more than my normal 20 bucks for a head lamp at home depot.  

Favorite medal:  Without a doubt, Running with the Cows 2015.  The little bell rings and I just love the cow theme.  I buy their merch like it is going out of style just because well, cows are cute!
Favorite running picture:  Well, I am technically pooping, not running, but I sure do love this picture that my BRF took of miss Stella Ella waiting on me during one of our runs.
Okay this one is pretty sweet and pretty special and is a true running picture:)
And this one.  Stella and I bringing it home at the first Wicked Half marathon in Wamego KS.  This is a very close second to the Chicago picture.

This really has been my best year running thanks to Coach Jenny, the speedy Mel G, and Doug at Body First   I should be pretty close to 1200 miles total for the year, which is so much better than last year due to my stupid injury sidelining me.  I am so happy to finish the year injury free thanks to the strength training I have incorporating.  I welcomed a new running partner into my life and she is shaking up my world!  I am so glad we found each other and are pushing each other WAY out of our comfort zones.  I also am so blessed to have had Jenny contact me and start coaching me starting in 2014 but continuing into 2015.  While I sometimes can't believe the plans she sends me, I am happy to say that other than  a few missed runs due to illness, I have completed each and every one of them!  I can't wait to cheer her on again while she completes Boston 2016.  

 I am looking forward to another great year in running in 2016.  My plans include another Wicked Half with Stella ella, my third year of the Heartland series (3 half marathons in 5 weeks) with Mel, and another fall marathon.  I am also playing around with the idea of a 50 K but need to get more trail races under my belt so possibly a 25 k trail race or a trail half or full.  I guess we shall see what the year unfolds!  Happy running New Year to all!

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